City of Sheffield Swim Squad

Results and Archive

This site is now the home of our Gala Results and article archives.

We launched a new website in early 2022.  Take a look here.

Fraser Farren

Fraser studied at Sheffield Hallam University where he combined his studies with assisting coaching of JO2, JO1, AGN and Senior Elite. It quickly became clear that Fraser had a rare aptitude for coaching and became liked and respected by swimmers of all ages and parents alike. Having finished his degree in 2012 (and getting a first!), he had the tough job of taking over as lead coach for JO2 from Karen Clifton and Masters coach from Andy Scutt. He has excelled in both and has also provided a fantastic contribution to all other COSSS squads. All swimmers and parents will be very sad to see him go and he will be missed. We are really fortunate that Hannah Wardle will be taking on his role.


Head Coach, Russ Barber, said, "I'd like to thank Fraser for all of his hard work and dedication. I know how much the swimmers mean to him, and this has been a really tough life choice, but we wish him well and hopefully we will see him about in the very near future. JO2 is in really good shape and I know Hannah will carry on the good work that Fraser has been doing."


Scott Davison, Masters Squad rep, was also keen to pass on thanks, "Masters would like to express their thanks to Fraser, who has been an excellent and enthusiastic coach. He proved that you can teach (most) old dogs new tricks, and we wish him well for the future"