City of Sheffield Swim Squad

Results and Archive

This site is now the home of our Gala Results and article archives.

We launched a new website in early 2022.  Take a look here.

Alex swam with us as an age grouper up until 5 years ago, and was one of our brightest stars. She left swimming to pursue other interests, but will be remembered by those who knew her as a bubbly, kind and fun loving girl and was adored by all who knew her.

Cause of death is still unknown, but Alex passed away in her sleep, and her mum, Heather (who was our club physio), would like to raise awareness of the SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) website  Anybody wishing to make a donation, would be most welcome.

Our deepest sympathies and best thoughts go out to the Reid family at this sad time. The funeral is to be held at 1.30pm on Thursday at St Marks Church, Broomhill.

Alex Reid